
Leather Aging Gallery

Beautiful Leather Aging Expressions

Leather Aging Gallery Vol.08

Tsuchiya's craftsmen insist on not wasting any piece of leather. When making leather bags or accessories, if the craftsman finds some natural expression such as insect bites or scars on the surface of the leather, the craftsman will find a way to place the the part on the inside of a bag handle or a shoulder strap the strap. Making good use of every part of leather, demonstrates the professionalism of the craftsman towards the leather materials.

Therefore, the same product might have different leather texture and expression. We encourage customers to touch and choose your favorite leather expression when you shop at our stores.

With the use of leather products for a period of time, not only will it add traces of use according to everyone's different usage habits, but it will also gradually produce a "flavor" that is different from others. This effect is also called "Aging".

Let your everyday leather objects talk about your life stories and your lifestyles for you. This is why many leather product lovers love leather so much.

In order to show such beautiful aging leather expressions, we have collected some aging leather products to share with you.